Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am reading "Writing Down the Bones" by Natalie Goldberg at the moment and it is a great source of inpiration when you are one of the people who enjoy writing. It gives you a profound insight to imporoving your writing skills but also encompasses the necessity of writing because it simply helps one develope and master the mindset and it's weaknesses in thought.

NOTE: spiritual at times

a little taste of content
  • timed excercise: "write what your mind actually sees and feels not what it thinks it should see or feel(..)don't let go of the pen, write...and capture oddities of your mind."
-> expressing something egoless and therefore it is full of energy  for it is expressing the truth of the way things are in your mind at that time.

"It is like Zen meditation: continue to sit even if thoughts or emotions shall try to stop you."

"When you are present, the world is truely alive."
  • The practise of writing regularly without expectations: finishing a notebook a month reference to Chögyam Trungpa, tibetan buddhist master
-> "We must continue to open in the face of tremendous opposition"

  • Artistic Stability: writing trash is part of the process of becoming a good writer-persistance.
-> "We have to look at our own inertia, insecurities, self-hate, fear that, in truth, we have nothing valuable to say"

  • Obsessions: when you are obsessed with something, do it. This is where obsession becomes our core point of life and the entry to happiness.
-> "Freedom is knowing who you are, what you are supposed to be doing on this earth, and then simply doing it."

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